Sunday, September 14, 2008

First Post!

While on the job hunt, I decided to do something that is actually satisfying to me - this food blog is the result of that decision. My objective is to write recipes that are easy, cheap, and satisfying. Food that everyone can enjoy, vegan or not, new to cooking or experienced. I will have some step-by-step videos every now and again, and there will always be pictures! I plan to post recipes in all genres, I would love any feedback or requests!

I'm off to the kitchen to tackle the mess from last night's dinner party. Until the first recipe is ready, here are some pics to whet your appetite!

Smoky Tempeh Sandwich with Home-made Fries

Cinnamon Rolls

General Tso's "Chicken"

Chocolate Mousse


b said...

*sigh* I miss your cooking so much! This food all looks really tasty. Seriously, you are the best cook EVER!

weaselbeard_earl_of_the_nutty said...

so you are you this no bull chef everyone's talking about. there's been alot of talk around the water coolers.

Emma said...

No-Bull Chef, What do you like to do with French Lentils?

Beth D said...

the no-bull chef loves french lentils in chili, nice chewy texture with no bull. ;) the no-bull chef also has a great recipe that she'll type up for you after mid-terms.